Dining Room before...
Dining room after....Chalky Blue (Pittsburg Paints)

Living Room after...the green is Cavern Moss (Pittsburg Paints) and I have no clue what the neutral color is, but it's also by Pittsburg Paints
Kitchen before (view#1)
Kitchen after (view #1) The fridge didn't change colors, I swear, it's just the lighting!
Kitchen before (view #3)
Kitchen after (view#3)
We're eventually completely re-doing the guest room (ripping out carpet and replacing windows) but that won't be for a while...our next "big" project will be refinishing the walls in the stairwell going upstairs and replacing the flooring on the landing upstairs. I'm going for new hardwoods (it's only about 5x8 area) and Keith is pushing to just re-do the planking flooring that's already there...we'll see how that goes! :)