It's so hard to believe our little man is already a month old! It feels like time is flying by. We went for Brody's one month doctor appointment and all is well. He's 100% healthy and growing by leaps and bounds! He's up to 22.5" long and 10lbs 8oz. He's grown an inch and a half and gained 2lbs 4oz since birth. It's amazing that I'm already having to pack away a lot of his newborn clothes...some of his 0-3 month clothes are getting a little snug too!
Keith and I are so grateful to have such a laid back little man. Since nearly his first week home, Brody has been on a great sleeping schedule. He'll have his last feeding around 9-10pm, fall asleep by 11pm and then wake around 2-3am for a feeding. He'll be up again around 6-7am, depending on when his middle of the night feeding was. Since I'm still on maternity leave I do the middle of the night feedings during the week and Keith handles them on the weekend. Either way, I'm not going to complain about getting 4 hour blocks of sleep with a newborn! I know it could be much, much worse.
Brody is starting to have longer awake periods and I'm loving it. We've seen a few glimpses of a smile, but we're still waiting for the real thing. He's cooing a lot more and "talking" to the toys on the mobile on his bouncy seat. He loves his tummy-time mat too...he'll lay there kicking his legs and trying to push himself up with his arms. He has great head control for a 5 week old baby. So strong! :)
While it definitely has its challenging moments, we're loving parenthood. There's nothing better then a good cuddle with our little man, giving him kisses knowing nobody loves him more than we do. We're excited about what the future holds for our family.