We recently traveled to Colorado to attend my cousin's wedding. We were in Denver for the weekend and then stayed in Estes Park for a week. What a beautiful area! We had to endure chilly weather and even a snow-storm (16" in one night!) but it was well worth it. We saw all kinds of wildlife; the elk would walk right through town -- we even had a few cross the river behind our condo and stand 10' from our balcony!
Brody did really well on the trip. We drove, so it was a loooong 20+ hours in the car. He had his moments of being fussy, but our portable DVD player and Baby Einstein DVD's were a lifesaver. Rather then type out a bunch of details, enjoy the pictures from our adventures!
Brody engrossed in Baby Einstein :)
Brody and Mommy in Iowa
Our happy little family at the rehearsal dinner
My cousin Dana and her husband JB...isn't she beautiful?
The elk was just hangin' around next the drive into the condo
This was in Rocky Mountain National Park...talk about snow!
Brody didn't mind the snow, he was all warm and cozy in the car!
It cleared up enough to get this great shot -- those are elk
Hangin' out at the condo...
The morning after the snow storm....

Brody could care less -- he wanted to show us how strong he is!

We had to stop for a photo op on the way to my aunt and uncle's house in Loveland, CO

These big horn sheep were just wandering along the road....

See that guy on the left? He kept acting like he wanted to ram our car...so we had to get out of there quickly!

With my parents on the deck at my aunt and uncle's house...that's the mountains you see over the lake. Talk about a view!

He's getting so cute!